2022 Winnipeg Election Results
Brianne Goertzen
Candidate in the River East - Transcona - 3 Trustee Candidates race.
Brianne can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
News that mentions this candidate is listed at the bottom of the page.
Our questionnaire and candidate data retrieval processes are available in our FAQ.
Questionnaire Response
Brianne Goertzen - River East - Transcona - 3
What got you into politics?
I entered politics to serve my community, and utilize my skills and experience to ensure our students, teachers, staff and community has a strong local voice around the board table. It is also important to me to serve as a mentor to the next generation of women and demonstrate that leadership roles are not only important but possible for them too.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
I believe my strong educational and professional background compliments my over 6 years of experience serving as your School Trustee. Specifically, I hold an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a concentration in Criminology and Master of Arts in Sociology, with a focus on public policy development and analysis. This is further strengthened with my over 10 years experience in non-profit advocacy, including as Manitoba Organizer with the Canadian Federation of Students and as Provincial Director of the Manitoba Health Coalition. My past experience coupled with my current position in communications all lend themselves to being a knowledgeable, effective and strong education advocate.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
I stand for a public education system that is high-quality, well-resourced, inclusive and leaves no student behind. Education is the great equalizer and in order to ensure the future is bright for our students. I believe we must ensure adequate funding, increased resources and supports for our students, teachers & staff and increased communications to our entire educational community. Some of the areas that are important to me include, full day everyday Kindergarten, increased mental health supports, increased supports for student learning recovery, ensuring the provincial government provides increased funding and ensuring a strong open, communicative relationship with our entire educational community in the division.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
As a proud resident of Ward 3, and a mother to a young son attending school in the division, it has been an honour and a privilege to serve my home community around the board table. If re-elected, I remain committed to continuing to advocate for a high-quality public education system to ensure a brighter future for all our children.
News that mentions Brianne Goertzen
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2022. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
School board trustees elected in east Winnipeg
October 28, 2022
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