2022 Winnipeg Election Results
Markus Chambers
Candidate in the St. Norbert - Seine River Councillor Candidates race.
Markus can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
News that mentions this candidate is listed at the bottom of the page.
Our questionnaire and candidate data retrieval processes are available in our FAQ.
Questionnaire Response
Markus Chambers - St. Norbert - Seine River
What got you into politics?
Winnipeg is a progressive, dynamic and diverse city, my foray into politics seeks to preserve all things good about our city, mitigate the negative and move us towards the potential this city has. Winnipeg’s greatest strength is the resiliency of its people. Working in collaboration with communities and stakeholders will provide opportunities for us to flourish as a city while being able to assist our most vulnerable.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
My 30 years working for the provincial government at various levels, plus my previous four years as a city council will position me to continue leading my ward and our city in a positive direction. I am a collaborator and execute plans quickly and as efficiently as possible. My ability to team build means all voices around the council table will be consulted and views considered as we make the best choices for our city.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as well as better value for dollar (transparency and accountability of council as well as our public service) will be my main focus in the second term of service.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I am acclaimed so I know I will be able to implement my vision in support of the growth of our city.
News that mentions Markus Chambers
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2022. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
Buffalo, N.Y., shooting reflects worsening racism, even in Canada, Winnipeg organizer says
May 16, 2022
CBC Manitoba - ...she said. "They have no idea that the colour of their skin makes a difference. So this is entirely new to them." Education is key: Chambers Coun. Markus Chambers, Winnipeg's first Black city councillor and chair of the Winnipeg Police Board, says the city is working proactively to address hate crimes. "We're...
City’s sewage capacity limits tested
May 14, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ...the status quo must be challenged, and heads should roll at city hall when project errors occur and emergency measures are not put in place. Coun. Markus Chambers has suggested developers can be encouraged to contribute to sewer upgrades, providing the city allows them a tax break for the first 10 years. ...
Councillor Ross Eadie looks to rejoin Winnipeg Police Board
May 13, 2022
CTV - ... The motion said the Winnipeg Police Board by-law requires city council to appoint at least one and a maximum of two councillors to the board. Coun. Markus Chambers is chair of the board and currently its only council member. Eadie was a part of the Winnipeg Police Board from 2014 to 2018. During his time on...
Eadie poised to replace Mayes on Winnipeg police board
May 13, 2022
Winnipeg Sun - ...meant to provide oversight of the Winnipeg Police Service, requires at least seven members with a maximum of two city councillors. Board chair Coun. Markus Chambers (St. Norbert-Seine River) is currently the only councillor on the board. Advertisement 3 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded...
Coun. Ross Eadie could be back on Winnipeg Police Board 4 years after being removed
May 12, 2022
CBC Manitoba - ...the needs and values of citizens," according to the city. The board needs at least seven members, with a maximum of two city councillors. Coun. Markus Chambers (St. Norbert-Seine River) chairs the board and is the only current member of council on the board. Eadie sat on the board from 2014 until 2018. He...
Eadie seeks Winnipeg Police board seat
May 12, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ... Eadie was shuffled off the police board in November 2018, when council voted to instead select Coun. Kevin Klein to become chairman and Coun. Markus Chambers as the second elected member. The board can include a maximum of two council members, though it requires at least one. Want to get a head start on...
Lukes pushes to cap civic staff remote workdays
May 11, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ...(more) people living there," she said. The city must be careful to retain skilled workers, so some work-from-home options are likely needed, Coun. Markus Chambers told the media. He agreed with Lukes that the impact on services must be carefully monitored. To retain skilled workers, some work-from-home...
Flexible work plan might cut productivity, hurt downtown bounce back: Winnipeg councillors
May 11, 2022
CBC Manitoba - ...wants the city's chief administrative officer to review how the original flexible work program affects productivity and customer service. Coun. Markus Chambers (St. Norbert-Seine River), Innovation committee chair, supports holding city staff accountable. He says he doesn't want to see staff take advantage...
Scott Gillingham lance sa campagne pour devenir maire de Winnipeg
May 6, 2022
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...jeudi soir lors d’un événement au restaurant St James Burger & Chip Co. sur l’avenue Ness. Il était accompagné de l’actuel maire adjoint, Markus Chambers. M. Chambers a déclaré que le conseiller municipal de St James était le 44e maire de Winnipeg . Le maire adjoint a salué le travail de Scott...
‘We need to do it together’: Gillingham begins mayoral campaign
May 5, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ... Among those gathered at the local restaurant to offer a public endorsement were former Long Plain First Nation chief Dennis Meeches and Coun. Markus Chambers (St. Norbert-Seine River). Scott has been an ally, right from Day 1, Meeches said. Ive briefed our chiefs on your support, and Im sure...