2022 Winnipeg Election Results
Scott Gillingham
Candidate in the Mayoral Candidates race.
Scott can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
News that mentions this candidate is listed at the bottom of the page.
Our questionnaire and candidate data retrieval processes are available in our FAQ.
Questionnaire Response
Scott Gillingham - Mayoral Candidates
What got you into politics?
I had worked as a Christian pastor for two decades, and I wanted a new challenge that would allow me to serve the people I knew in my community but work with them in a different and more practical way.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
As City Council’s Finance Chair, I led six budget processes – and as Mayor, I’d have a chance to apply the lessons I learned. But this time, I’d be able to use that experience as City Council’s leader – with a clear mandate to make the budget process more open, more transparent, more strategic and to ensure Winnipeg has adequate revenue to fund key services. I’m a former Police Board Chair – and I can draw on that experience to support the Chair and members in a push for more proactive policing and upstream crime prevention policies like those championed effectively by former Chief Devon Clunis. I’ve learned firsthand about regional and intergovernmental challenges as Co-Chair of the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, and I’ve learned about key overland trade issues as a City of Winnipeg representative on the NASCO board. Before I was a councillor, I also served the community on senior’s home and community boards, so I appreciate the challenges faced by small organizations across Winnipeg.
Finally, as a pastor, I learned to listen carefully to people. Great listening can often be a more powerful tool in politics and government than great speaking.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
Infrastructure: We must invest in our transportation system. My “Big Move” plan means more road repairs, more buses , more investment in trade routes and more connected bike routes. My opponents mocked this at first, but now they are promising to do more to fix road repair and fix Kenaston after all.
Crime Prevention: Winnipeg police are too focused on reactive policing and not enough on the kind of community-linked, data-driven, “upstream” crime prevention championed by former Chief Clunis. I will sit on the Police Board to seek the return of effective proactive policing initiatives that were cancelled while Councillor Klein chaired the Police Board, and we need a Mayor who understands and supports a real crime prevention strategy.
Customer Service: Winnipeggers will have more support for public services if they’re operating well. I’ll reinvest in 311 and launch “Neighborhood Action Teams.”
Homelessness: I want to lead a shift in approach so Winnipeg is taking the lead through community partnerships where we can, instead of waiting for other governments to solve this problem for us.
Building a Stronger City: Plans like “Patio City,” faster urban reserve approvals and rec infrastructure programs will help us build Winnipeg’s economic and social strength.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Leadership isn’t just about a resume or a platform of commitments. It’s also about how you work with people. I truly believe in the power of collaboration. “One with the strength of many” is our City’s motto, and I’m committed to make that spirit of unity real, uniting City Council, city staff and the public behind common goals so we can spend more time solving problems and meeting Winnipeg’s great potential, and spend less time debating about the process we’ll take to get there.
News that mentions Scott Gillingham
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2022. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
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CBC Manitoba - ...who finished fourth in 2018, and Chris Clacio, who registered to run for mayor in 2018 but did not complete the nomination process. St. James Coun. Scott Gillingham is expected to register his campaign on Monday...