2022 Winnipeg Election Results
Jenny Motkaluk
Candidate in the Mayoral Candidates race.
Jenny can be reached on social media, at [email protected], or by calling 204-410-1065.
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News that mentions Jenny Motkaluk
Showing news articles published after May 1st 2022. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
Le conseiller John Orlikow renonce à l’idée de devenir maire de Winnipeg
May 5, 2022
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - .... Sept candidats sont déjà sur les rangs pour devenir maire de Winnipeg lors des élections du 26 octobre. Les aspirants maires de Winnipeg Jenny Motkaluk, Don Woodstock et Chris Clacio ont officiellement soumis leur candidature auprès du greffier municipal, dimanche matin. L'ancien député...
City councillor John Orlikow won’t run in Winnipeg mayoral race
May 5, 2022
CBC Manitoba - ... Grocery worker Chris Clacio, St. James Coun. Scott Gillingham, former provincial environment policy director Shaun Loney, business consultant Jenny Motkaluk, former Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette, Wilderness Supply owner Rick Shone and security company owner Don Woodstock signed up earlier this week....
Mayoral candidate list grows to seven as local entrepreneur joins race
May 4, 2022
CTV - ...Sunday for the mayoral race and Loney is joining some familiar names. Coun. Scott Gillingham is one of the names on the candidates list, as well as Jenny Motkaluk, who was the runner-up to Brian Bowman. Former Winnipeg Centre MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette has also joined the race, along with Chris Clacio, Rick...
Messy mayoral-race mayhem just what city needs
May 4, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ...his campaign at City Hall on Wednesday. They were all passed on the way to the starting line, however, by consultant and former mayoral challenger Jenny Motkaluk, business owner Don Woodstock and Chris Clacio, a grocery-store worker. That trio of eager candidates registered Sunday. There are others lurking...
Mayoral candidate Shaun Loney says Winnipeg is stuck in its ways
May 4, 2022
CBC Manitoba - ...mayoral candidates registered their campaigns earlier this week. Grocery worker Chris Clacio, St. James Coun. Scott Gillingham, business consultant Jenny Motkaluk, former Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette, Wilderness Supply owner Rick Shone and security company owner Don Woodstock also hope to see their names...
Ouellette vows to make city safer if elected mayor
May 4, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ...Cookie and Privacy Policies, and CASL agreement. City Coun. Scott Gillingham, business owner Rick Shone, business development consultant Jenny Motkaluk, security business owner Don Woodstock and civic activist Chris Clacio had already registered. Coun. John Orlikow has declared his intention to run...
Former Liberal MP Oullete joins Winnipeg’s mayoral race
May 3, 2022
Winnipeg Sun - ...mayoral race Back to video Robert-Falcon Ouellete officially declared that he would register as a candidate for mayor on Tuesday. Ouellete joins Jenny Motkaluk, Chris Clacio, Don Woodstock, Rick Shone and Scott Gillingham as candidates registered to become mayor. Current Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman is not...
Former Winnipeg Centre MP joining mayoral race
May 3, 2022
CTV - ...for more people. Not just in the suburbs, not just downtown. Everyone.” Ouellette is the sixth person to register for the mayoral race, joining Jennifer Motkaluk, Don Woodstock, Christopher Clacio, Rick Shone and Scott Gillingham. A new mayor will be decided on Oct....
Robert-Falcon Ouellette joins mayoral race, says Winnipeg not doing enough to help people with addictions
May 3, 2022
CBC Manitoba - ...on Oct. 26. Candidates must register in order to raise or spend money on their campaigns. St. James Coun. Scott Gillingham, business consultant Jenny Motkaluk, Willderness Supply owner Rick Shone, security company owner Don Woodstock and activist Chris Clacio have also registered to run for mayor. ...
More challengers step forward for mayor’s chair
May 2, 2022
Winnipeg Free Press - ...who owns Wilderness Supply stores in Winnipeg and Thunder Bay, also registered his own mayoral bid. On Sunday, business development consultant Jenny Motkaluk, security business owner Don Woodstock and Chris Clacio registered to enter the race. Clacio, who has worked at a grocery store during the...