2022 Winnipeg Election Results
Keith Morrison
Candidate in the River East - Transcona - 3 Trustee Candidates race.
Keith can be reached on social media, or at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Keith Morrison - River East - Transcona - 3
What got you into politics?
Over the course of my career in the public education system, I have developed an understanding and appreciation of how elected trustees provide a voice for the residents of respective school divisions. As such, they have significant influence regarding setting priorities and making decisions that ultimately impact the learning experience of students. The challenges surrounding the education process are intriguing and personally energizing. I believe it is critical that our society has knowledgeable and capable individuals governing the system that develops and moulds our greatest resource, our children. Quality education is an investment in all of our futures. Also, entering the realm of politics has provided me with the privilege of giving back to my community. Assisting parents and community members with navigating through the system while addressing their personal concerns is rewarding work. Retirement now provides me with the flexibility to be more accessible to community members and the ability to devote the necessary time to work with them in addressing any issues requiring attention.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
I have over 40 years of experience in public education. I have been a classroom teacher, a principal and an assistant superintendent. Currently, I am a sitting trustee completing my term. My experience in schools provides me with insights as to how children learn, the expectations of parents, how the system works and how it can be improved. My background provides me with a deep understanding of all the moving parts within a big picture perspective. As well, I am able to provide other trustees with a better understanding and clear awareness of how decisions made at the board level impact the frontline. This characteristic is an asset for a trustee’s effectiveness.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
I do believe that all trustees stand for quality education and strive to make sound decisions in the best interests of all students. I am no different in that regard. A specific area of focus for me is ensuring equity across the system. Public education needs to be a level playing field for all students and families. Program opportunities for students should not be dictated by their parents’ economic status. Our division requires families to pay additional fees over and above the tax dollars they have already provided for things such as band programs, field trips and lunch supervision. Public education should not be a user fee or “a la carte” experience for students and families. I continue to raise this issue with our board with the intent of having concrete measures implemented that truly level the playing field.
Of particular importance is the elimination of lunch supervision user fees. Lunch supervision programs are valuable and necessary. The school division needs to cover the costs of these programs. The existence of lunch supervision programs is a direct result of a collective agreement benefit provided to teachers that the division approved. As such, the employer needs to cover that expense.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Equity is a basic principle upon which public education is built. Trustees across the province need to eliminate practices and policies that tilt the playing field in the way that benefits some while disadvantaging others due to factors such as socioeconomic status, age, cultural background or geographical location to name a few. I will continue to advocate for equity.
The provincial government has now assumed the total funding of public education. It is the responsibility of respective school boards to educate government officials in such areas as funding pressures experienced by divisions, financial impact of providing quality special education programs and services, and the significant and negative results of fiscal policies encapsulating large scale funding reductions. Government needs to be educated. We cannot expect them to know what they don’t know. School boards need to educate them. I see myself as an individual who can help in that area.
It has been an honour and privilege to serve as a trustee for the past four years. To continue in the role would be a pleasure. I am prepared to continue to work on behalf of my community in the system for which I have developed a deep passion.
News that mentions Keith Morrison
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