2022 Winnipeg Election Results
Selina Bieber
Candidate in the Louis Riel - 3 Trustee Candidates race.
Selina can be reached at [email protected], or by calling 204-543-1154.
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Selina Bieber - Louis Riel - 3
What got you into politics?
I’m not “into politics”. I’m into doing my level best and my part in bettering the community I live, work, and play in, be it with/for family, friends, and foe alike; one may ask ‘why a foe?’, and my response is I do it because of who I am, not because of who they are… besides I firmly believe in leading with kindness and compassion, that way we all win.
I was taught at an early age that “service to our fellow man is the rent we pay for our time here on earth”, and so for me, serving community and in particular our children/students is a natural fit.
We all have a superpower, and our superpower is KINDNESS! Let’s be kind to one another; that’s how we create a better learning environment for our children/students to excel and thrive.
What experience will you bring to compliment your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee)?
Naturally, I’ll bring my vast experience in board governance, c-suite leadership, personal and financial coaching, project and facility management, planning and architecture design (especially as legitimate demands for new schools and healthy learning spaces grow) to the table. Above all, I’ll bring my unwavering accountability, commitment, and discipline to the table to serve you, be there for you, and listen to you. I won’t promise to be your voice, you have your own voice, however I will promise to listen to you and listen well; to facilitate and create access to have your voice be heard and be heard more, especially when it comes to your child/ren’s education, their peers/our students, our division, and our community. I will represent your interests as best as I can, and always lead with deliberate care, respect, compassion and kindness.
What are some issues that you would like to stand for in your role as (Mayor / Councillor / School Trustee), and why are these issues important to you?
- Our school division presently has a funding budget of well over $209,000,000+ (2022-2023 school year) presently being mismanaged by division leadership; this is costing us the taxpayers in excess of $13,500/student per year. I’m committed to ensuring fiscal responsibility and accountability to taxpayers and parents, students, teachers, support staff administration and the public alike.
- Posting all salaries and wages over $100,000 paid to individual divisional staff publicly for transparency and accountability, so that parents and taxpayers can evaluate for themselves whether or not they’re getting their monies worth for the services their child/ren and students receive.
- Ensuring that teachers and students are given the tools, learning aids and supports needed to do their work well, because when teachers succeed our children/students succeed.
- Empower teachers to provide every student with meaningful, full, equitable and just education regardless of race, background, talents, or exceptional abilities.
- I’m committed to seeing that every child in the division has access to a well-rounded, full bodied, dynamic, relevant education, free from inherent-bias, rooted in fairness, and anchored in truth;
- To encourage quality education by leveraging curiosity, critical thinking, leadership, kindness, joy, diversity, emotional intelligence, and strengths in our students, staff, and administration, classrooms, schools and community.
Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Schools are educational institutions designed to provide sound learning spaces and conducive learning environments for the ACADEMIC teaching of students under the direction of proficient talented teachers (albeit curriculum facilitators), so that students may excel and thrive to become the very best versions of themselves. Schools are not criminal institutions and should not be treated as such. Having SRO’s (police) in schools are harmful to all kids (irrespective of race). Once you have SRO’s in schools, it’s already too late and is indicative of the administration’s inability to govern and guide effectively in a disciplined principled manner. I’m committed to ensuring that such tactical and irresponsible missteps do not occur and are avoided all together.
It’s crucial that every student is given sound opportunity to learn, grow, and develop their talents to the fullest; to become the best versions of themselves in a caring, loving, curated safe school environment and community – “it takes a village”
- A strong advocate for students, parents, and teachers
- A champion for fair equitable meaningful education
- I’ll bring with me, a level-headed approach, perspective, and grit to the board of trustees
Thank you,
Selina Bieber
Trustee Candidate
Louis Riel School Division, Ward 3
[email protected]
204 543 1154
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